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Click-and-drag on the plot to zoom in on the area you've selected. Or, click-and-drag sideways over the "context bar" (the little picture of the whole event just below the plot) to generate a "brush" (shown bordered in red) -- the area you've selected will then be shown on the plot, with the Y-axis adjusted to fit the data.
At any time, you may click the brush (or just press "w") to rescale the Y-axis to fit the data. At any time, you may click the context bar outside of the brush (or just press "a") to show the whole event from beginning to end.
When "Show All PMT's" is checked, two plots appear: the total signal, below, and the individual PMT signals, above. Most navigation commands (e.g., panning, zooming out, using the context bar) will act on both plots simultaneously, with one exception: clicking-and-dragging on one plot to adjust its view will not change the Y-range of the other plot. (This way, when you're moving around one plot, the other plot will mostly "follow along," but you can still adjust their Y-ranges independently if you want.)
Keyboard Shortcuts, by Use
Switching Events:
f = first event
p = previous event
n = next event
l = last event
Quick View Adjustments:
a = view all
w = scale window to data
(use arrow keys)
Zooming Out:
x = x-axis zoom out
y = y-axis zoom out
b = both axes zoom out
View Pulse:
(use number keys)
Undo/Redo View:
u = undo view
r = redo view
Show Reduced Quantities:
s = pulse finder
t = position reconstruction
q = pulse quantities
Multiple-PMT Plot:
m = plots for all PMT's
h = help
Keyboard Shortcuts, Alphabetically
a = view all
b = both axes zoom out
f = first event
h = help box
l = last event
m = plots for all PMT's
n = next event
p = previous event
q = pulse quantities
r = redo view
s = pulse finder
t = position reconstruction
u = undo view
w = scale window to data
x = x-axis zoom out
y = y-axis zoom out
arrow keys = pan
number keys = show pulse
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